Baby Shower Event Planner

In the beginning, Baby Shower was celebrated for the very first child in the family and only women used to be invited there. The reason inviting only women was to share the wisdom and experience of becoming a mother. With the passage of time, this has changed and become very common to celebrate this event for all the children of a family by inviting not only male and females from the family but friends, neighbours and co-workers are also invited to the event now. People now a days also celebrate Baby Shower for the adopted children.

As this event is particularly celebrated for the expectant mother, this is why guests invited there bring with them gifts related to babies like feeders, baby baskets, baby cots, diapers and toys. This way, the mother is showered with gifts which indeed meant by the term Shower.

We have got a very good Baby Shower Planner template for you that you can use to plan your event easily. This planner template has three basic portions. First one is to plan guests. You can write down the names of the guest, address, RSVP Received, RSVP Response and Number in party. This way you can plan the actual number of people invited to the party. Second portion of the template is the Shopping List. This is where you can manage all the shopping that you are planning to do for the party. Third part is the Schedule. This is where you can create a schedule for you party.

Below is the screenshot of this Baby Shower Planner template so that you can get an idea about the template before you download.


Download Baby Shower Planner